My hubby :
* the one who only had few hours opportunity to date me before asking me to be his girlfriend
* the one who kept memorizing the first date of our first meeting at Starbucks, Clarke Quay
* the one who said would buy me a dinner at Chijmes on our the first date, but instead we went to Thai cafe (actually he never thought it would be fully booked that day :p)
* the one who left me to Bali after a week relationship
* the one who left me alone in Singapore twice in 2008 for his trips and promised never ever leave me alone again (which he still keep it till now)
* the one who persist to stay besides me through my up's and down's stage
* the one who proposed me in the same date, time and place of our first meeting with a surprise. Truly suprised me.
* the one who willing to wait two years after proposing me (asper my request)
* the one who have brought me to see some new places
* the one who married me last year
* the one who fulfilled my dreams to go and taste Japan's life
* the one who give me a sweet and homey place as my current home and full of authority to take care of our home :D
* the one who always messaged me "luv u" bfore going to sleep last time and now, hug and give me a gud nite kiss plus saying "I luv u" before we go to sleep every night.
* the one who always pamper me since I am with him
* the one who always give his shoulder and chest everytime I cried
* the one who always hug and send me to lrt before I go to office, and fetch me at lrt when I go home (applicable whenever he's not going to town area on daytime)
* the one who accompany me patiently whenever I go out for shopping
* the one who always bring me to eat at my favourite places
* the one who never complained about me
* the one who always eat and finish my cooking with satisfying face
* the one who always give me hand in doing core housework even without I'm asking
* the one who always keep couraging me for everything I want to do
* the one who never doubt about me
* the one who always trust me
* the one who never said nice promising words but always told me "I do my best"
* the one who never said "I would never leave you" but always said "future is uncertain."
* the one who never said "I would never cheated on you" but always said "I'll keep the five precepts"
* the one who make me feel so safe, peaceful, and trusted in our relationship
* the one who always said to me whenever I was frustated "I was sent by goddess to take care of you, so there won't be anybody else can handle your emotion" :p
* the one who always let me to choose things
* the one who always checked on calendar and said "almost half month, near timing alr" whenever I was easily irritated and emotional (how come not to laugh everytime I heard this)
* the one who instead saying "why are you doing that?" but he always asked me "what can I do for you to make you happy, honey?"
* the one who keep awake at nights just to watch and hug me whenever I am unconsciously crying on my sleep
* more to come..
And, I love everything about him with his special spices :
* forgetful (except financial things)
* emotionless
* always farting
* always laugh and smile
* his unique eyes
* smart and have many ideas
* think before talk (man type huh :p)
I'm writing all the above is to remind me how grateful I am having you as my life partner. As you said, future is uncertain and people can easily change and forgetful. So I decided to write down everything I can remember about you before I forget, and I can look back in the future to give me fresh memory how lovely you are instead of complaining you. :p
Thank you for coming to my life, hubby!
ps. will add other things once I remember